Legal Mentions

Publisher of the website

This website is published by Allianz Direct Versicherungs-AG/Succursale France, a company incorporated under foreign law with share capital of €819,200, registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 953 811 338, with registered offices at 7 rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine under the Luko brand, Allianz Direct Versicherungs-AG/Succursale France is an insurance distributor.

Company Individual VAT Identification Number: FR83953811338

Director and Manager of Publication: Fanny Limare-Wolf
Contact Address: 7 rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine

Allianz Direct Versicherungs-AG/Succursale France is an insurance distributor and a company governed by Le Code des Assurances (the French Insurance Code).

Host of the website

the website and Luko's services are hosted by:

  • On data centers in Europe (Ireland and Germany) from Amazon Web Services (AWS).
    Amazon Web Services Inc.
    410 Terry Avenue North
    Seattle, WA 98109-5210, USA

Collection and use of personal data

Internet users are informed that the collected personal information can be the subject to computerized processing, and this data can be gathered in the form of a file and that in accordance with the French "Loi Informatique et Libertés", one has the right of access, rectification and opposition regarding the data which concerns them.

To get more details about the use of your personal data by Luko and your rights on this data, please read our Data Privacy Policy.

You can read our dedicated page regarding cookie use right over here.

Intellectual property

Any total or partial representation of this site by any person whatsoever, without the explicit permission of the publisher of the site is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles of the Code de la propriété intellectuelle.


Luko has the aim to bring you the best quality of service at all times. We remain attentive to any complaints.

What are the stages of a complaint?

1ʳᵉ step:

Tell us in detail what's wrong by answering this dedicated form. We undertake to acknowledge receipt within 24 hours. Then within 5 working days, the most appropriate advisor will get back to you.

2ᵉ step:

If you are still not satisfied with our response or solution, you can contact our complaints department by sending an email to or by post to the following address:

Service réclamation Luko 7 rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine

We undertake to acknowledge receipt of your letter within 48 hours by email, then to provide you with a clear and detailed response within 30 days.

3ᵉ step:

If, after 60 days, no solution has been found, or a misunderstanding or disagreement persists, you can appeal to the Médiateur de l'Assurance, an external and totally independent figure.

To find out more about complaints, read this article in French.