Luko donated €102,000 to charities

In 2021, thanks to "the Giveback", Luko donated €102,000 to charities chosen by its policyholders

€42,003 to Terre et humanisme

Terre et Humanisme supports agro-ecology and transmits the know-how of responsible and ecological agriculture to the general public and to vulnerable people.

  • 1858 farmers trained in agroecology in West Africa.
  • 21 initiations to agroecology in the gardens of the association.
  • 100 persons beneficiaries of introductory stays per year.

€22,927 to Habitat & Humanisme

Habitat et Humanisme supports people in difficulty to enable them to access decent housing and reintegrate the society.

  • 1 "Escale solidaire" to support social inclusion in neighbourhoods.
  • 400 m² including 1 health space for isolated people.
  • 2€ /meals prepared in community to recreate social links.

€21,558 to Banque Solidaire de L’Équipement de Emmaüs Défi

Emmaus Défi is a social innovation laboratory that seeks to find the best solutions for combating extreme exclusion and enabling people in very precarious situations to find a dignified place in society on a long-term basis through work.

  • 25 jobs created for employees on integration programmes.
  • 2,050 families supported in accessing permanent housing.
  • 0 saved on average to equip their first home.

15 512€ to Simplon

Simplon offers free training in high-voltage digital jobs for talented people who are far from employment or located in fragile areas. Simplon is committed to advancing professional parity in the digital professions.

  • 24 women will participate in the #Hackers training programs.
  • 1 promotion 37% of the students this year were women.
  • 1 goal : Accelerate the inclusion of women in digital

How are these amounts calculated?

  • 30% of your premium
    is dedicated to Luko's management costs: customer service, claims management, innovation, etc.

  • 70% of your premium
    ‍is placed in the common pot for all policyholders. If you have a claim, this money is used to reimburse you.

  • If there is money left at the end of the year,
    it is donated to the association of our choice. It does not add to our profits.

  • 30% of your premium
    is dedicated to Luko's management costs: customer service, claims management, innovation, etc.

  • 70% of your premium
    ‍is placed in the common pot for all policyholders. If you have a claim, this money is used to reimburse you.

  • If there is money left at the end of the year,
    it is donated to the association of our choice. It does not add to our profits.

See you in one year to discover the new projects realised thanks to your support.