Data Protection
By choosing Luko, you trust that we will be there in times of need, but also when using and protecting your data. Access all details regarding our data privacy policy following this link.
Which data are we talking about?
Luko offers insurees to use our protection technologies to prevent damages from happening. These technologies are Luko Elec, Luko Door and Luko Bridge.

Luko Elec
It analyses your power consumption to prevent fires from occurring.

Luko Door
Door ensures your entrance is safe from robberies

Luko Water
Positioned on your water inlet, it detects water leaks. You also get advice on how to optimise your water consumption.
Home data is data processed by our protection technologies. It is not mandatory for Luko insurees to protect their nest with our technologies: we only send them to insurees who ask for them. Our protection technologies are entirely optional for all Luko insurees, and insurees who installed them can turn them off any time.
Personal data refer to all data processed through our website and mobile app.
What Luko does not

We do not use your home data to adjust the price of your premiums. Your daily consumption and activities have no impact on your price.

We do not use your home data for commercial purposes (advertising, targeting...), whether it is directly or not.

We do not share, sell or give your data to outsiders, unless you specifically ask for it. For instance: Apple Home Kit, Alexa, IFTTT connection...

We do not earn money by selling our users data, but by building insurance products.
Our business model is not build on using your personal data.

We do not use your home data against you if you ever have damages. These data are not taken into account (neither for expertise nor your indemnity) because our claims manager have no access to it.

We do not link your home data to your address: it is impossible to find you based on your home data.
What we do

We develop algorithms that analyse consumption and abnormalities to help you better understand your home data, take care of your home and prevent problems from happening.

All your data are using the best encryption and access control processes. We chose strong technologies used in banking industry, defense. Our servers undergo security tests on a regular basis.

According to GDPR, we keep a register of the processing operations carried out on your data.

Just like your premiums money, these data are yours. You can retrieve them, ask to modify or delete them anytime. Please contact us to this address: